Tel:+61 (0)7 3829 3242  |  Fax: +61 (0)7 3829 1906 | Facebook
Poultry equipment and spare parts for broilers, breeders, barn, hatchery, free-range and organic poultry farms



AAS offer a range of services to the poultry industry. From consulting advice for those new to the industry, experienced producers upgrading their operation through to advice on Free Range and Organic standards and equipment requirements.


With over 50 years experience in farm management, production strategies, techniques and establishment, Peter Mathews can save your company time and money and help you set up a profitable enterprise.

If you are looking at establishing or expanding a poultry farm, broiler, breeder, organic or free range operation don't risk making expensive mistakes. Get professional advice from an expert. Consulting engagements with Peter start at $250/hr.


AAS can help you design the poultry shed that you require to reach your goals. This service includes shed layout with specifications for ventilation systems, feeders, drinkers, controllers, heating and cooling.


We supply all the equipment required for free range and organic operations and can advise you on the best ways to set up your operation for maximum return while adhering to all free range and organic standards.


AAS offer obligation free quotes on poultry growing and hatchery equipment from small to large operations. We stock only high quality products that are reliable and efficient. Our customers know that quality products will save them time and money over the life of the product and present them with a return on investment that translates into real dollar profits. Read more from our customers here.

To discuss your specific needs with us please don’t hesitate to call head office on (07) 3829 3242 or enquire below.


Call us on 07 3829 3242 (during normal business hours) or enter your enquiry details below and we'll be in touch.

Name *
Suburb/Area *
State *
Email Address *
Operation Type


* Indicates required information.

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For all poultry & hatchery equipment and spare parts inquiries please contact Head Office on 07 3829 3242 or email                 © Copyright 2008  |  Site Map

Please note: Australasian Agricultural Services supply poultry shed equipment and parts, growing and farm management consulting and hatchery equipment throughout Australia and the Pacific Islands.

Specifically: QLD (including South East Queensland, North Queensland), NSW (including Tamworth, Northern Rivers, Central Coast, Griffith, Sydney, Western New South Wales), VIC (including Geelong, Mornington Peninsula, Bendigo, Shepperton, Western Victoria), South Australia (including Port Wakefield, Murray Bridge, Adelaide Hills), Western Australia (including Margaret River & Perth), Tasmania, Northern Territory, NZ (including Auckland, New Plymouth, Waikato region, Christchurch), Fiji, New Guinea, Noumea and surrounding Pacific Islands only.

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